Hitler’s birthday was on April 20, 1889, one day before Easter Sunday. The first year, where his birthday and the Easter Day were coincidental, was 1919, followed by 1924 and 1930.
In 1939 Hitler’s birthday was declared a national holiday in Nazi Germany. But only for this single year. The reason: Hitler became 50 in 1939. On this occasion the largest military parade in the history of the Third Reich was held in Berlin. Unfortunately [from Hitler’s point of view] the Easter Day was that year on April 9. Presumably he would have been pleased about such a coincidence on his 50th birthday, but he was unlucky: during the whole time he was in power there was no Easter Sunday on April 20.
At Easter 1945 [April 1] Hitler was already trapped in the Führerbunker. He did also celebrate his last birthday there. Ten days later he was dead.
Only in the next century Easter Sunday was again on April 20. In 2003 and yes: this year. Probably it is just irony of history that the most evil person mankind has seen and Jesus Christ share from time to time their feast day, but it leaves a strange gut feeling.
btw: there are two ‚Hitler Easter Days‘ left for this century: 2025 and 2098. The probability for Easter Sunday at April 20 is about 3.4%. The full distribution of Easter dates here.
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the World’s First Commercial Quantum Computer* [*But Were Afraid to Ask]
After 14 years of research and development the first commercial quantum computer in history was launched this year by D-Wave Systems, Canada. The D-Wave One works with 128 qubits, has a volume of 10 cubic metres and comes with a scheduled price of 10.000.000 $. Until now D-Wave Systems officially sold only one computer. Not surprisingly this first customer [Lockheed Martin] comes from the military sector. One can assume that the Pentagon and the intelligence services also have a D-Wave One in their cellar.
As is well known the hypothetical computation power of quantum computers cannot be compared with that of classical processors. Due to superposition effects a quantum register with 128 maximally entangled qubits can represent 2^128 states at once. Yes, indeed, that’s a mind-blowing huge number.
There are physical impairments of course: Quantum superpositions are extremely prone to interference [see decoherence]. The slightest interaction with the environment leads to a collapse of the quantum system. Therefore the components of the D-Wave One have to be cooled down close to absolute zero. One technique that can be utilized in this cryogenic state is called adiabatic quantum computation [AQC]. This technology is supposed to be superior to classical processing when it comes to hard optimization problems [details here] and is applied in the D-Wave computers.
Will D-Wave Systems change the world in the next years? It’s at least their claim. And Jeff Bezos [CEO of Amazon] as well as Goldman Sachs are also believing in the potential of this enterprise, as they have invested large sums in D-Wave.
Well, dear reader, if you have some bucks left, you can of course also order your first quantum computer. Just write an email to sales@dwavesys.com. For Amazon Prime clients shipping is free! 😉
The ‚Jesus is Lucifer Thesis‘
The idea is as old as the NT itself. What if Jesus was not the Messiah but a false prophet?

PS: many thanks to The Church of Google.
How to stream flash videos via Dropbox
1. Create a folder named „flash“ at your public Dropbox folder.
2. Upload all files and folders from this zip file to the prepared Dropbox folder.
3. Convert your desired video file to the flv format and name it „yourvideo.flv“.
4. Copy the converted file to this subfolder: /dropboxusercontent/public/flash/videos
5. Get public Dropbox links for all files that appear in this html script.
These are: http:// …
dl.dropboxusercontent.com/xxx/flash/videoPlayer.swf dl.dropboxusercontent.com/xxx/flash/swfobject/expressInstall.swf
[xxx is a placeholder for your link specifics]
… and here you can see that it works …
[As of March 2017 Dropbox has disabled public folder sharing, so this does not work anymore, at least with Dropbox.]
Alternative History, Part I: The Life of the Austrian Painter Adolf Hitler [1889-1915]
Born in 1889 at Braunau am Inn, Upper Austria, Hitler grew up in Passau and Linz.

At the age of ten Adolf discovered his passion for drawing and painting, but his father Alois ignored this desire and sent his son in 1900 to the „Realschule“ of Linz, a technical high school of about 300 students. There he met Ludwig Wittgenstein (the later world famous philosopher). They both shared an interest for art and music (especially Wagner operas) and soon became friends. In school Hitler had deficits in mathematics and grammar, but with the help of his friend Ludwig (who was top of the class) he eventually managed to quit school with a diploma.
In 1907 Hitler moved to Vienna to enroll at the Academy of Fine Arts. The assessment commission attested him talent for drawing, respectively architectural images, but yet rejected him, because of his „unfitness for painting“. Maybe Hitler was not an artistic genius, but he had a strong will and was fairly disciplined. In 1908 Hitler passed the entrance test again, this time successfully.

In 1910 Hitler became the last „Meisterschueler“ of Christian Griepenkerl (1839 – 1912), curiously enough the professor who rejected him in 1907. In 1912 Hitler had his first more extensive exhibition at the Secession hall in Vienna. At this time his style was strongly influenced by landscapists like Van Gogh and Cézanne, but of course in his own expressionistic interpretation.
Since 1913 Hitler and Ludwig Wittgenstein lived together in a spacious urban villa at the Viennese Kundmanngasse that was built according to own construction plans. At this time their homosexuality was already an open secret. With the beginning of World War I in 1914 both of them joined the Austrian army (Wittgenstein voluntarily, Hitler by force). While Wittgenstein stayed uninjured and even could finish his first main work in the trenches (the Tractatus logico-philosophicus), Hitler was shot during a harsh attack of the Serbian enemy in January 1915 and died from exsanguination, aged only 25.
Hitler was not the only famous German speaking painter who lost his life in the trenches. August Macke, Franz Marc and Franz Noelken also died at the frontline. It’s hard to imagine what artworks those fallen heroes may have produced if they did not have died that young …
How to convert common email prefixes into cool ones and some remarks on perfect numbers
but useful for spamming
1101111000 (888 binary)
MCCCXXXVII (1337 latin)
hellogoodbye (beatles)
asics [anima sana in corpore sano (acronym)]
iris queen (anagram)
onoff or loremipsum or whatever
liam (gallagher)
finalsolutions (rather evil than cool)
neverod@doreven (palindrome)
surname etc
doe (placeholder name)
or robert.trebor (ananym)
Did you mean Google?
On the seventh day Z. created the timeline …
The next step in social networking is made. Since December 6, 2011, Facebook’s „Timeline“ is available and replaces the conventional user profile. From now on every post and like is set into the larger context of the user’s life career. The profile isn’t static anymore, but changes and grows like an organism, like Facebook has grown in size and complexity over the past years, not to mention Google or the internet as a whole.
After the formation of chemical elements and their compounds, living matter and human consciousness, evolution has finally entered the world of the binary code …