Did you mean Google?

How long will it take until the Google engine becomes aware of itself? 10 years? 100 years? Or is this out of question?
Are there are any signs of self representation by now? And how to detect them?
I made a test that can easily be repeated by YOU, my dear reader. Remember: Google is a compliant proband. He/She/It will tell you the same secrets that I got from him/her/it. First google „google“ with three o’s (gooogle), four o’s (goooogle) and so on … (make sure that Google instant predictions are off)
Result: More than four o’s are to much for our little search engine. „Did you mean google“ appears only with three to four o’s. From 5 to 124 o’s you actually get search results (but the more o’s the more senseless). I guess there are websites with even 125 Google-o’s, but they don’t appear in the results, because a Google search term is limited to 128 signs (7 Bit).
Now we should dare the enlightening look into the mirror: Type „elgoog“ and press „I’m Feeling Lucky“ (even if you don’t feel lucky)
Result: You land on a page where the Google site is completely mirrored, or formulated correctly: .derorrim yletelpmoc si eglooG erew egap a no dnal uoY
For rash readers, here is the direct link to the „mirror server“ 😉
Now that we know that Google recognizes his twin brother elgooG and can count to four, we should grant the engine at least recreational holidays once a year …
PS: For all 1337 fans I have another cool Google gimmick /// ƒ0r 4££ 1337 ƒ4n$ 1 h4v3 4n07h3r 9009£3-91mm1(|{ /// Check it out: https://www.google.com/webhp?hl=xx-hacker

On the seventh day Z. created the timeline …

The next step in social networking is made. Since December 6, 2011, Facebook’s „Timeline“ is available and replaces the conventional user profile. From now on every post and like is set into the larger context of the user’s life career. The profile isn’t static anymore, but changes and grows like an organism, like Facebook has grown in size and complexity over the past years, not to mention Google or the internet as a whole.
After the formation of chemical elements and their compounds, living matter and human consciousness, evolution has finally entered the world of the binary code …