Turning Geo-Coordinates into Map Links: The Making of Map it!

When I set out to create Map it!, the idea was to develop a seamless, user-friendly application that generates links to popular map services from geo-coordinates, all while being accessible across devices.

However, there was a significant challenge: my programming skills were fairly basic, primarily limited to Python. That’s where ChatGPT-4 became an invaluable resource. Acting as a coding assistant, it helped bridge my knowledge gap. From debugging PHP functions to optimizing JavaScript for frontend interactions, ChatGPT played a pivotal role in the development process. With its help, I was able to overcome challenges, implement features I had initially thought were beyond my reach, and ultimately bring this project to completion.

Map it! is now live at map-links.net and also available at the Google Play Store. With it, you can easily create shareable map links:

✔️ by entering an address

✔️ by uploading a photo (with GPS data in EXIF format)

✔️ by manually entering coordinates (supports DD, DMS, DDM)

Links are created for 7 different map services, including Google Maps, Apple Maps, Bing Maps, Waze and OpenStreetMap.

Screenshots from the app (click to enlarge)

In the next sections I will outline the different project phases – from conceptualization to deployment – and explore how each stage was tackled with a combination of problem-solving, technical strategies, and assistance from ChatGPT.

Phase 1: Conceptualization

The initial concept for Map it! revolved around providing users with a tool to generate direct links to major mapping services like Google Maps, Apple Maps, OpenStreetMap, and more. A key requirement was to allow users to input geo-coordinates in various formats, such as Decimal Degrees (DD), Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS), and Degrees Decimal Minutes (DDM).

Key Requirements:

  • Support for popular map services.
  • Flexibility in accepting and converting geo-coordinate formats.
  • Responsiveness and usability across devices.
  • Integration with tools like Nominatim for address-based coordinate fetching.
  • Deployment as a PWA with mobile app capabilities.

Once these requirements were defined, the focus shifted to building the backend, which would serve as the foundation for the app.

Phase 2: Backend Development

The backend formed the backbone of the app. Written in PHP, it handled tasks such as processing uploaded image files to extract GPS data and validating manually entered coordinates. One major challenge was dealing with corrupted or missing GPS data. For instance, some mobile browsers zero out GPS values in photos to preserve user privacy.

To address this, I implemented a validation function that could identify and gracefully handle these cases. Invalid files were automatically deleted from the server, ensuring clean and efficient file management. This ensured that corrupted GPS data didn’t disrupt the application.

Code example for GPS data extraction and its validation:

function extract_gps_info($coordinates, $ref) {
    $degrees = (int) $coordinates[0];
    $minutesRaw = explode('/', $coordinates[1]);
    $minutes = $minutesRaw[0] / $minutesRaw[1];
    $secondsRaw = isset($coordinates[2]) ? explode('/', $coordinates[2]) : [0, 1];
    $seconds = $secondsRaw[0] / $secondsRaw[1];
    $direction = ($ref == 'W' || $ref == 'S') ? -1 : 1;
    return $direction * ($degrees + ($minutes / 60) + ($seconds / 3600));
if ($latitude_dd == 0 && $longitude_dd == 0) {
    echo "<small>Error: The GPS data might be corrupted or missing.</small><br><br>";
    if (file_exists($uploadFilePath)) {
        echo "<small>The invalid file has been deleted from the server.</small><br><br>";

Phase 3: Frontend Development

Address-Based Coordinate Fetching

Integration with Nominatim’s API enabled users to type an address and receive geo-coordinates in real time. This functionality required careful handling of API responses to ensure accurate results.

Input Validation

Mobile-specific challenges like handling decimal separators and validating coordinate formats were addressed with a mix of client-side and server-side validation. For example, mobile browsers often replace decimal dots with commas, requiring normalization to ensure compatibility.

Phase 4: UI/UX Design

The design phase aimed to create an intuitive interface that would be accessible to users on both desktop and mobile devices. I focused on:

  • Structuring input forms to accept different geo-coordinate formats.
  • Ensuring accessibility by following responsive design principles.
  • Using collapsible sections to present additional details without overwhelming the user.

ChatGPT was instrumental in refining some of these UI/UX decisions, offering practical advice for aligning elements and optimizing the user experience.

Phase 5: Testing and Optimization

Before launch, extensive testing was conducted to ensure:

  • Compatibility across browsers and devices.
  • Proper handling of edge cases, such as corrupted GPS data.
  • Optimal performance for address lookups and file uploads.

Phase 6: Deployment and PWA Integration

To make Map it! accessible as both a website and an app, I leveraged Progressive Web App (PWA) technology. This involved creating a manifest file and a service worker to provide offline functionality and an app-like experience.

The app was also packaged using Trusted Web Activity (TWA) for deployment on the Google Play Store, enabling users to install it directly on their devices.


Throughout the development of Map it!, ChatGPT-4 proved to be an indispensable tool. Acting as a virtual coding assistant, it filled the gaps in my programming knowledge and significantly accelerated the development process.

That said, the collaboration was not without its hurdles. ChatGPT occasionally introduced errors or proposed solutions that didn’t quite fit the context. For instance, some initial code suggestions required significant refinement to work as intended. These moments underscored the importance of understanding and validating the code rather than relying blindly on AI-generated outputs.

Despite these setbacks, ChatGPT’s overall contributions far outweighed its occasional missteps. This project demonstrates how tools like ChatGPT can amplify the capabilities of solo developers, enabling them to tackle complex projects and deliver bugless, user-centric applications.

Mining of Cryptocurrencies – Development and Status Quo

Mining is the complex computing process that creates cryptocoins like Bitcoin. [Bitcoin is the first and most important cryptocurrency, but there are many alternative currencies like Ether, Dash or Litecoin.] Mining enables the integrity of the so-called blockchain by cryptologically verifying each transaction and establishing a public transaction directory.
At the beginning of the Bitcoin era it was profitable to mine bitcoins with a PC. Since the energy required to produce a single coin is increasing steadily [see difficulty] it is no longer reasonable to use a PC and / or graphics cards cause the electricity costs are much higher. Even if you team up with other miners and form a so-called mining pool, it is difficult to be profitable. This only works if you have the latest devices designed specifically for mining [so-called ASICs] and if the costs for electricity and cooling are also low. In addition, the mining distributions are halved within foreseeable cycles [see halving] since there can only be a finite number of coins. [In case of Bitcoin 21 million units].
For these reasons the so-called cloud mining has developed over the past two years. In order to be able to make profits companies were founded that moved the mining to places where the electricity fees are low and the conditions for cooling are ideal [e.g. Iceland]. There were then ASIC mining devices installed, on a large scale of course, so that one can speak of a mining farm.
Cloud mining is being financed by the customers who „rent“ computing power [hashpower]. This enables more flexibility for investors since no complete device has to be purchased. Even small amounts of hashpower can be purchased. This also makes diversification pretty easy cause parallel mining of different cryptocurrencies is possible.
The leading suppliers use the latest technologies and they can also buy the required devices cheaper. It makes a difference whether one buys thousand ASIC devices or just one. Therefore cloud mining revenues are usually higher than those from home mining attempts. They could be still higher, but a part of the money is retained by the provider of course. However, given a positive market development it is a win-win situation. In addition, as a cloud miner you do not have to worry about electricity, maintenance or hardware updates. This is all done by the provider.

Btw: If a mining provider holds more than 50% of the total hash power of a given currency, the situation could become risky. Then a manipulation of the blockchain would no longer be impossible. This scenario is actually an important topic for the developers.

Two more sentences on Ethereum: The Ethereum platform is, in a sense, the first „world computer“. Realized as a decentralized network, the platform can be used by everyone to run applications without the possibility of downtime, censorship or fraud.
Ether, the systemic currency of Ethereum, is next to Bitcoin the fastest growing cryptocurrency. Ethereum is still at the beginning. How important the platform will become is not foreseeable yet. Optimists already speak of Web 3.0.
So if you are willing to make an interesting investment, then you should speculate in Ether. The chances of investing in a lucrative future project are not bad. However, total loss can not be ruled out. This applies for known reasons [hackers, potential security gaps, regulation or prohibition by authorities, internet failure] to all cryptocurrencies.

Krypto-Mining – Entwicklung und Status Quo

Mining ist der aufwändige Rechenprozess, durch den Kryptocoins wie Bitcoin entstehen. [Bitcoin ist die erste und wichtigste Kryptowährung, es gibt aber noch zahlreiche Alternativ-Währungen]. Das Mining ermöglicht es, die Integrität der sogenannten Blockchain zu wahren, indem jede Transaktion kryptologisch überprüft und ein öffentliches Transaktionsverzeichnis aufgebaut wird.
Zu Beginn der Bitcoin-Ära war es noch profitabel, Bitcoins mit einem PC zu minen. Da die Energie, die benötigt wird, um eine einzelne Münze zu produzieren, jedoch stetig steigt [siehe Difficulty], ist es heute nicht mehr sinnvoll, den eigenen PC und / oder leistungsstarke Grafikkarten zu nutzen, da die Stromkosten weitaus höher sind. Selbst wenn man sich mit anderen Minern „verbündet“ und einen sogenannten Mining-Pool bildet, ist es schwer profitabel zu sein. Das funktioniert nur, wenn man neueste Geräte besitzt, die speziell fürs Mining konzipiert wurden [sogenannte ASICs], und die Kosten für Strom und Kühlung gleichzeitig gering sind. Hinzu kommt, dass die Mining-Ausschüttungen innerhalb absehbarer Zyklen halbiert werden [siehe Halving], da es nur endlich viele Coins geben kann. [Im Falle der Bitcoin-Währung sind das 21 Millionen Einheiten].
Aus diesen Gründen hat sich in den letzten zwei Jahren das sogenannte Cloud-Mining entwickelt. Um weiterhin profitabel minen zu können, gründeten sich Unternehmen, die das Mining an Orte verlegten, in denen der Strom günstig und die Bedingungen für die Kühlung ideal sind [u.a. nach Island]. Dort wurden dann im großen Stil ASIC-Mining-Geräte installiert, so dass man von einer Mining-Farm sprechen kann.
Finanziert wird das Mining nun von den Kunden, die Rechenpower [Hashpower] anmieten. Das Mining hat sich also in die Cloud verlagert. Ins Cloud-Mining lässt sich wesentlich flexibler investieren, da kein komplettes Gerät gekauft werden muss. Auch kleine Mengen Hashpower können erworben werden. Das macht auch eine Diversifikation einfacher, denn das parallele Minen unterschiedlicher Kryptowährungen ist nun ein Kinderspiel.
Die führenden Anbieter verwenden neueste Technologien und können die entsprechenden Geräte natürlich auch günstiger einkaufen. Schließlich macht es einen Unterschied, ob man nur einen ASIC-Miner erwirbt oder gleich tausende. Der Erlös ist beim Cloud-Mining meist deutlich höher als beim Heimbetrieb. Er könnte noch höher sein, aber einen Teil behält der Anbieter natürlich ein. Bei guter Kursentwicklung ist es aber eine Win-Win-Situation. Zudem muss man sich als Cloud-Miner weder um Strom, Wartung oder Hardware-Updates kümmern. Das leistet alles der Anbieter.

Gefährlich könnte es werden, wenn ein Cloud-Mining-Anbieter mehr als 50% der gesamten Hashpower einer Währung auf sich vereint, dann wäre eine Manipulation der Blockchain nicht mehr ausgeschlossen. Das ist ein Szenario, über das sich die Entwickler mittlerweile intensiv Gedanken machen.

Noch zwei Sätze zu Ethereum: Die Ethereum Plattform ist in gewisser Weise der erste „Weltcomputer“. Realisiert als dezentrales Netzwerk kann die Plattform von jedem genutzt werden, um Anwendungen ohne Möglichkeit der Ausfallzeit, Zensur oder Betrug laufen zu lassen.
Ether, die systemeigene Währung von Ethereum, ist neben Bitcoin die am schnellsten wachsende Kryptowährung. Noch steht Ethereum am Anfang. Wie wichtig die Plattform werden wird, ist noch nicht absehbar. Optimisten sprechen aber schon vom Web 3.0. Wenn Sie also Freude an einem Risiko-Investment haben, dann spekulieren Sie in Ether. Die Chancen, dass Sie damit in ein großes Zukunftsprojekt investieren, stehen nicht schlecht. Den Totalverlust kann man aber leider nicht ausschließen. Das gilt aus bekannten Gründen [Hacker, potentielle Sicherheitslücken, Regulierung oder Verbot durch Behörden, Internetausfall] übrigens für alle Kryptowährungen.

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the World’s First Commercial Quantum Computer* [*But Were Afraid to Ask]

After 14 years of research and development the first commercial quantum computer in history was launched this year by D-Wave Systems, Canada. The D-Wave One works with 128 qubits, has a volume of 10 cubic metres and comes with a scheduled price of 10.000.000 $. Until now D-Wave Systems officially sold only one computer. Not surprisingly this first customer [Lockheed Martin] comes from the military sector. One can assume that the Pentagon and the intelligence services also have a D-Wave One in their cellar.

As is well known the hypothetical computation power of quantum computers cannot be compared with that of classical processors. Due to superposition effects a quantum register with 128 maximally entangled qubits can represent 2^128 states at once. Yes, indeed, that’s a mind-blowing huge number.

There are physical impairments of course: Quantum superpositions are extremely prone to interference [see decoherence]. The slightest interaction with the environment leads to a collapse of the quantum system. Therefore the components of the D-Wave One have to be cooled down close to absolute zero. One technique that can be utilized in this cryogenic state is called adiabatic quantum computation [AQC]. This technology is supposed to be superior to classical processing when it comes to hard optimization problems [details here] and is applied in the D-Wave computers.

Will D-Wave Systems change the world in the next years? It’s at least their claim. And Jeff Bezos [CEO of Amazon] as well as Goldman Sachs are also believing in the potential of this enterprise, as they have invested large sums in D-Wave.

Well, dear reader, if you have some bucks left, you can of course also order your first quantum computer. Just write an email to sales@dwavesys.com. For Amazon Prime clients shipping is free! 😉

How to stream flash videos via Dropbox

1. Create a folder named „flash“ at your public Dropbox folder.

2. Upload all files and folders from this zip file to the prepared Dropbox folder.

3. Convert your desired video file to the flv format and name it „yourvideo.flv“.

4. Copy the converted file to this subfolder: /dropboxusercontent/public/flash/videos

5. Get public Dropbox links for all files that appear in this html script.

These are: http:// …
dl.dropboxusercontent.com/xxx/flash/videoPlayer.swf    dl.dropboxusercontent.com/xxx/flash/swfobject/expressInstall.swf
[xxx is a placeholder for your link specifics]

6. Copy those links to the corresponding locations in the script.
7. Copy the whole code to your web page. That’s it. If you have any questions, just send me an email.
Of course you can change some parameters in the code and in the file settings.xml to adjust the player to your demands.

… and here you can see that it works …

[As of March 2017 Dropbox has disabled public folder sharing, so this does not work anymore, at least with Dropbox.]

How to convert common email prefixes into cool ones and some remarks on perfect numbers

but useful for spamming
1101111000 (888 binary)
MCCCXXXVII (1337 latin)
hellogoodbye (beatles)
asics [anima sana in corpore sano (acronym)]
iris queen (anagram)
onoff or loremipsum or whatever
liam (gallagher)
finalsolutions (rather evil than cool)
neverod@doreven (palindrome)
surname etc
doe (placeholder name)
or robert.trebor (ananym)
more boring prefixes (but also useful for spam attacks): office, orders, reception, support 
more geeky ones: 3.14159… (pi of course); 42 (answer to the ultimate question of life the universe and everything –> even Google knows that); 6, 28, 496, 8128, … (perfect numbers – by the way: take a look at their end digits –> yes: always 6 or 8 …)
extreme nerdy: transform perfect numbers into binary code:
6 = 110 (in Germany also the counterpart to 911)
8 = 11100
496 = 111110000
8128 = 1111111000000
As you can see, perfect numbers have a special structure in binary code (p ones followed by p − 1  zeros). I was really excited when I detected this pattern, but I was of course not the first one (unbelievable what enlightenments can arise on the quest for cool mail prefixes). If you study the explanation for the pattern, you will realize that perfect numbers are closely linked with Mersenne primes. Just take a look at their binary structure:
3 = 11
7 = 111
31 = 11111
127 = 1111111
[I have to close this chapter here, but I will return to perfect numbers sooner or later]
Well, my personal prefix derives from the scientific name of the common box (Buxus sempervirens). Sempervirens means „always strong or virile“, referring to the evergreen and frost-resistant leaves of the box.

Did you mean Google?

How long will it take until the Google engine becomes aware of itself? 10 years? 100 years? Or is this out of question?
Are there are any signs of self representation by now? And how to detect them?
I made a test that can easily be repeated by YOU, my dear reader. Remember: Google is a compliant proband. He/She/It will tell you the same secrets that I got from him/her/it. First google „google“ with three o’s (gooogle), four o’s (goooogle) and so on … (make sure that Google instant predictions are off)
Result: More than four o’s are to much for our little search engine. „Did you mean google“ appears only with three to four o’s. From 5 to 124 o’s you actually get search results (but the more o’s the more senseless). I guess there are websites with even 125 Google-o’s, but they don’t appear in the results, because a Google search term is limited to 128 signs (7 Bit).
Now we should dare the enlightening look into the mirror: Type „elgoog“ and press „I’m Feeling Lucky“ (even if you don’t feel lucky)
Result: You land on a page where the Google site is completely mirrored, or formulated correctly: .derorrim yletelpmoc si eglooG erew egap a no dnal uoY
For rash readers, here is the direct link to the „mirror server“ 😉
Now that we know that Google recognizes his twin brother elgooG and can count to four, we should grant the engine at least recreational holidays once a year …
PS: For all 1337 fans I have another cool Google gimmick /// ƒ0r 4££ 1337 ƒ4n$ 1 h4v3 4n07h3r 9009£3-91mm1(|{ /// Check it out: https://www.google.com/webhp?hl=xx-hacker

On the seventh day Z. created the timeline …

The next step in social networking is made. Since December 6, 2011, Facebook’s „Timeline“ is available and replaces the conventional user profile. From now on every post and like is set into the larger context of the user’s life career. The profile isn’t static anymore, but changes and grows like an organism, like Facebook has grown in size and complexity over the past years, not to mention Google or the internet as a whole.
After the formation of chemical elements and their compounds, living matter and human consciousness, evolution has finally entered the world of the binary code …